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Carolina Reaper Chili Pepper Powder Wicked Reaper World’s Hottest Chili Pepper


Carolina Reaper Chili Powder, Wicked Reaper. The Reaper is the current world record Holder at over 2.2 million scoville. 1.5 oz Free Shipping! The flavor of this spice is outstanding. A nice ripe red reaper chili pepper flavor coupled with the crispness and the lasting brutal heat of the carolina reaper chili pepper. All natural with no preservatives. Ingredients: 100% carolina reaper chili peppers Believe it or not, the reaper chili actually has an excellent and unique peppery flavor. For me the heat onset was slow and building peaking after about 5 minutes and lasting about 10 minutes. I have seen people cry and doubled over in pain from eating this one. I have also seen heat lovers who say they love it because of its tolerable high heat level and flavor. If you are a looking for a melt your face hot sauce you need a hot sauce with chili extract and we suggest checking out our Wicked Tickle XXX hot sauce. We also sell carolina reaper hot sauce and dried seed pods. Caution: Severely hot with a long lasting heat. Do not use reaper, ghost peppers or scorpion chilies if you have a respiratory or heart condition. Made by Electric Pepper Company.
Carolina Reaper Chili Powder World’s Hottest Chili Pepper
All natural and extract free, no preservatives made with red ripe chilies
Much hotter than habanero and hot like ghost pepper or scorpion chili peppers
1.5 oz. FREE SHIPPING IN US! Makes a great gift for the hot sauce collector
Always shipped fresh, shipped insured against damages
[amz_corss_sell asin=”B00U5G7IN6″]

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