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Spice Appeal Savory Ground, 14 Ounce


Introduced to England by the romans 2,000 years ago, savory was used as a seasoning, an aphrodisiac and a cough medicine. It is reminiscent of thyme, mint and oregano with a fragrant herbaceous aroma and sharp, peppery and bitter aftertaste. Used mostly for vegetables such as beans, cabbage, lentils, potatoes and mushrooms. Add to scrambled eggs, salads, vegetable juices, stuffings and legume dishes. Enhances the flavor of pork, chicken, hamburgers, fish chowders, soups and sausages.
All our products are blended when ordered to ensure the freshest product
All natural; Vegetarian; Vegan
High quality fresh spices from around the world
Great for restaurants or food service or catering
Great addition to many dishes
[amz_corss_sell asin=”B00F9YGT0W”]

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