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Kaffeine Koffee Organic Colombian Supremo Medium Roasted Whole Bean Specialty Gourmet Coffee


Life is short. Do you really want to spend it drinking bad coffee?

   Most people end up settling for low quality coffee beans that taste like a burnt rubber! Yuck!

   At Kaffeine Koffee, we air-roast highest quality coffee beans in small batches in state-of-the-art technology that evenly roasts and strips away 80% of the acidity in the coffee. We roast each batch of coffee to bring out the best characteristics of the coffee. Our artisan roasted coffee is handcrafted by a master roaster who has been roasting for over 50+ years. we are confident that our coffee will be the best coffee you ever tasted.

   All of our coffee is CCFO ceritified and Fair Trade. We make sure every farmer we get our bean from gets paid fairly. We believe if people are treated well, they will be more inclined to provide us with the best coffee beans for roasting. We only source 100% organic arabica beans and are very strict about it. We make sure our beans are pesticide free and GMO free. We individually check each batch.

   Our specialty gourmet coffee can be enjoyed using drip, ice coffee, espresso beans, poor over, Chemex or cold brew coffee. The low acidity of the coffee makes it perfect for iced coffee.

   We don’t claim to be the world’s strongest coffee. But we are confident that a cup of our coffee will be a memorable one.

   Great as a gift for friends and family. Why let them drink bad coffee?

Great as espresso and cold brew!
Our coffee is hot air roasted evenly. Never have unevenly roasted beans.
We use a patented roasting process that removes 80% of the acidity from the beans.
Our coffee taste good hot or as a cold brew due to the low acidity.
100% Organic Arabica Beans curated gourmet specialty coffee.
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